Green Galactic’s Eclectic Orbit
It takes a lot to be a genuinely beloved publicist in Los Angeles. But in a city where that profession is often associated with red-carpets, rolling calls, pushy pitches, and contrived celebrity, Green Galactic founder Lynn Tejada (née Hasty) has turned that type on its head. On the eve of celebrating 20 years in business as a full-service public-awareness support system for independent creatives in a nearly universal (dare I say, galactic!) range of genres, media, and platforms, Green Galactic has carved a place for itself at the forefront of indie culture in Los Angeles. And their chief weapon? Genuine, infectious enthusiasm.
Ask the folks at GG what they are most proud of, and they’ll point to the eclecticism of the client roster — and they aren’t kidding. The company started in the world of progressive electronic music, but soon found itself working with broader segments of indie music, and from there it just blossomed organically. Now, its got clients who work in food, film, art, dance, theater, political-activist puppetry, literature, fashion, design, wellness, the circus — and every recombinant, boundary-blurring, interdisciplinary permutation you can imagine. A perusal of the clients page is like a People Issue, a veritable magazine of the most interesting culture-workers in town.
And what ties this extended family together is more than just business. Lynn’s sincere fascination and admiration for the ideas and accomplishments of her friends and clients (just about everyone she knows starts as one but ends up as both; she even married one) is what has inspired her to curate this kaleidoscope. Despite her nearly 24/7 schedule (journalists know all about her famous 3am press releases), Lynn has a lot of fun at work — truly feeling that devising strategies for getting the word out about her clients’ projects is a personal, creative act in itself. Her approach to business is as intuitive and obsessive as any of her clients, and she sees the GG totality as a meta-narrative playground of storytelling, cultural inclusion, and progressive boosterism. That sounds like something to genuinely love.
– Shana Nys Dambrot, Art Critic
Los Angeles, June 2013