Live Talks Los Angeles presents An Evening with Oliver Sacks In Conversation with David Milch on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica. Dr. Sacks, neurologist and best-selling author, will discuss his provocative new book, Hallucinations (to be released November 6, 2012), which takes the reader into the eerie, psychedelic, and ultimately very real world of hallucinations. Milch is an Emmy Award-winning writer and producer, best known for his work on Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue and Deadwood. The talk is part of Live Talks Los Angeles’ art and culture evening series of talks with speakers from the worlds of art and entertainment. The event is at 8:00pm, with a reception from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Read the rest of this entry »
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Book, Celebrity, Charity, Events, Live Talks LA, Press Releases Aero Theatre, Author, Book, CA, David Milch, Hallucinations, LA, Live Talks LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Oliver Sacks, santa monica, speaker, talk, Ted Habte-Gabr, Westside
Live Talks Los Angeles announces the upcoming guest speakers for its Live Talks Business Forums, a dynamic breakfast-hour series featuring leading business thought leaders and executives, for its 2012-2013 season. Upcoming speakers include: Vice President of Forrester Research Harley Manning (10/4), Wired magazine editor and author of the Long Tail Chris Anderson (10/18), Founder & Managing Director of Clean Edge Ron Pernick (11/15), bestselling author of Drive and A Whole New Mind Daniel Pink (1/17), Whole Foods CEO John Mackey (1/25), former CEO of GM and AT&T Ed Whitacre (3/7), and Former CEO of Procter & Gamble A.G. Lafley (3/21). The upcoming October-November 2012 Live Talks LA art and culture schedule includes events with Hollywood legend Penny Marshall in conversation with her brother Garry Marshall (10/3 – rescheduled from 9/26), gay activist Bishop Gene Robinson in conversation with Bradley Whitford (10/5), internationally-acclaimed author Sandra Cisneros in conversation with Hector Tobat, Los Angeles Times journalist and author (10/10), comedian Chris Elliott in conversation with Merrill Markoe (10/11), bestselling author-physician Oliver Sacks (11/14), and atheist magician Penn Jillette (11/15).
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Book, Celebrity, Charity, Entertainment, Events, Live Talks LA, Press Releases A.G. Lafley, Aero Theatre, Art, Author, Bishop Gene Robinson, Book, Book Release, Book Signing, Bradley Whitford, business forums, CA, California, Chris Anderson, Chris Elliott, culture, Daniel Pink, Ed Whitacre, Entertainment, Garry Marshall, Harley Manning, Hector Tobat, John Mackey, Keith Ferrazzi, LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Merrill Markoe, Oliver Sacks, Penn Jillette, Penny Marshall, Ron Pernick, Sandra Cisneros, santa monica, T.C. Boyle, talk, Ted Habte-Gabr, Track 16, Westside
The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) presents Fix-It-Up Too, a one-day exhibition and silent auction on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at Blum & Poe in Culver City. Fix-It-Up Too reprises The Fix-It-Up Show, a project first developed by artists Jeffrey Vallance and Michael Uhlenkott for a 1981 exhibition at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE) in which well-known artists were asked to contribute works for Vallance and Uhlenkott to alter or “fix.” Both artists have given SASSAS their blessing to recreate The Fix-It-Up Show as a fundraiser and will also reprise their roles as “fixers.” Nine other internationally recognized artists including Barbara Bloom, Meg Cranston, Lisa Lapinski, Dave Muller, Stephen Prina, Jim Shaw, Alexis Smith, Mungo Thomson, and Christopher Williams have also agreed to alter the works of more than 100 artists for this special exhibition and sale.
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Art, Charity, Events, Music / Sound, Nonprofit org., Press Releases, SASSAS, Sound Aaron Curry, Alex Slade, Alexandra Grant, Alexis Smith, Alison Saar, Allen Ruppersberg, Amanda Ross-Ho, Analia Saban, Annetta Kapon, Art, auction, B. Wurtz, Barbara Bloom, Bass Elegy/Devil's Night (for M.K.), Blum & Poe, Brad Eberhard. Nancy Evans, Brendan Fowler, Brian Kennon, Bruce Yonemoto, CA, California, Cameron Jamie, Cannon Hudson, Carole Ann Klonarides, Caroline Thomas, Christopher Michlig, Christopher Russell, Christopher Williams, Cindy Bernard, Claude Collins-Stracensky, Connie Samaras, Culver City, Dana Duff, Danny Gromfin, Dave Muller, David Bunn, David Schafer, Dawson Weber, Diana Thater, Dorit Cypis, Doug Henry, Drew Heitzler, Eamon Ore Giron, Eduardo Consuegra, Eileen Cowin, Elizabeth Bryant, Elizabeth Tremante, Ellina Kevorkian, Erika Rothenberg, Euan Macdonald, Evan Holloway, Eve Fowler, exhibit, exhibition, Fat and Fucked Up, Fix-It-Up Too, fundraiser, gallery, Geoff Tuck, Harmonica Rascals, Haruko Tanaka, Heather Cook, Irina Alimanestianu, Ivan Morley, James Welling, Jamey Bair, Jason Meadows, Jeffrey Vallance, Jennifer Bolande, Jennifer West, Jim Isermann, Jim Shaw, joe potts, Joe Sola, John Miller, John Schroeder, Jordan Biren, Josh Blackwell, Judie Bamber, Judy Fiskin, Julian Hoeber, Kathleen Johnson, Katie Grinnan, Katy Crowe, Kaucyila Brooke, Kevin Appel, Kevin Hanley, Kim McCarty, Krista Chael, Kristyne Kryttre, LA, Laura Fried, Lecia Dole-Recio, Lesley Vance, Liam Gillick, Lisa Ann Auerbach, Lisa Lapinski, Los Angeles, Marc Pally, Marco Rios, Margaret Honda, Mark Hagen, Marnie Weber, Meg Cranston, Michael Uhlenkott, Micol Hebron, Mitchell Syrop, Molly Larkey, Mungo Thomson, Nathan Hylden, Nena Amsler, Nick Herman, Patrick Hill, Piero Golia, Renee Petropoulos, Richard Hawkins, Rick Potts, Robert Wilhite, Ry Rocklen, Sam Durant, sassas, Scott Benzel, sean duffy, Sharon Lockhart, silent auction, Simon Leung, Simone Gad, Stephanie Taylor, Stephen Berens, Stephen G. Rhodes, Stephen Prina, Stuart Arends, Susan Silton, T. Kelly Mason, Thad Strode, The Society for the Activation of Social Space Through Art and Sound, Tom Allen, Tom Recchion, Tony De Los Reyes, Ursula Brookbank, Violet Hopkins, Westside, William Leavitt, Yoshua Okon, Yunhee Min, Zackary Drucker
Live Talks Los Angeles, which produces compelling talks, will once again bring an A-list roster of personalities to Los Angeles venues this Fall, launching its new season with Molly Ringwald in conversation with Meghan Daum on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at Track 16 in Santa Monica. The new Live Talks LA schedule also includes events with Hollywood legend Penny Marshall, rapper-producer Wyclef Jean, comedian Chris Elliott, atheist magician Penn Jillette, bestselling author Mitch Albom, acclaimed writer T.C. Boyle, bestselling author-physician Oliver Sacks, internationally acclaimed author Sandra Cisneros, author, social critic, and political activist Naomi Wolf, and gay activist Bishop Gene Robinson.
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Book, Celebrity, Charity, Events, Live Talks LA, Press Releases Aero Theatre, Author, Bishop Gene Robinson, Book, Book Release, Book Signing, CA, California, Chris Elliott, Entertainment, LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Mitch Albom, Molly Ringwald, Naomi Wolf, Oliver Sacks, Penn Jillette, Penny Marshall, Sandra Cisneros, santa monica, Scott Turow, T.C. Boyle, talk, Ted Habte-Gabr, Track 16, Westside, Wyclef Jean
Live Talks Los Angeles, which produces compelling talks with fascinating speakers, will once again bring an A-list roster of personalities to the El Rey, Track 16, and Aero Theatre in the coming months. The schedule includes National Book Award and Oscar-Winning Writer Live Talks Los Angeles who will talk about his upcoming novel, In One Person (6/21, Aero); Top Chef Marcus Samuelsson, who will reflect on his life via his forthcoming memoir, Yes, Chef (7/10, Track 16); and Studio 360‘s Kurt Andersen, who will discuss his upcoming tour de force novel, True Believers (7/26, Track 16). Also on the calendar is a special concert event by The Rock Bottom Remainders, the all-author rock band with Stephen King, Dave Barry, Amy Tan and Matt Groening among its members, who will hold their last public concert, after performing together for 20 years (6/22, El Rey). Most events start at 8:00pm with receptions preceding the talks. Ticket prices range from $20 to $295. Please visit Live Talks LA’s website for additional details, updates and tickets at livetalksla.org.
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Book, Celebrity, Charity, Entertainment, Events, Live Talks LA, Press Releases Aero Theatre, Amy Tan, Author, Book, Book Release, Book Signing, CA, California, Chef, Christopher Buckley, concert, Dave Barry, David Burtka, El Rey, Emerging Author Series, Entertainment, Greg Iles, In One Person, James McBride, John Irving, Kathi Goldmark, Kurt Andersen, LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Downtown Women’s Center, Marcus Samuelsson, Matt Groening, Mitch Albom, Neil Patrick Harris, Ridley Pearson, Roger McGuinn, Roy Blount, Sam Barry, santa monica, Scott Timburg, Scott Turow, Stephen King, talk, Ted Habte-Gabr, The Byrds, the Midnight Mission, The Rock Bottom Remainders, Track 16, True Believers, Westside, Yes
The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS), is pleased to announce its 12th year of concerts and events in Los Angeles. This year’s summer calendar features Blast! [9], the annual SASSAS garden party and fundraiser, which returns for a second year to Malibu, CA on Sunday, June 10, 2012, with food, beverages, a silent auction featuring works by several artists included in Made in L.A. 2012 and live music from 4:00 to 8:00pm. In addition to Blast!, the upcoming SASSAS 2012 schedule also features the sound. concert series, soundShoppe and the third year of its exclusive Listening Party dinners. Tickets for Blast! [9] are $50 and can be purchased at http://www.sassas.org/blast. Read the rest of this entry »
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Art, Charity, DJ Culture, Entertainment, Events, Music / Sound, Nonprofit org., Press Releases, SASSAS, Sound Ad Hoc, Agnes Szelag, Art, Black Panty Annie, Blast! [9], CA, California, Catherine Opie, Cindy Bernard, Cortical Foundation, Dawn Kasper, Dawson Weber, DJ Culture, Dominick Fernow, Entertainment, fundraiser, garden party, Gary Todd, Gregory Lencyzcki, Jill Spector, Joseph Potts, Karthik Pandian, Krystal Krunch, LA, LA Trombone Collective, Listening Party, Liz Larner, Los Angeles, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Malibu, Marielle Jakobsons, Michael Ned Holte, Music, myrmyr, Patricia Fernandez, Schindler House, Scott Benzel, Sister Mantos, sound., soundShoppe, Stephen Prina, tape music, The Society for the Activation of Social Space Through Art and Sound, United States, Welcome Inn Time Machine, Westside, Year of the Rat
The Rock Bottom Remainders, the all-author rock band with Stephen King, Dave Barry, Amy Tan and Matt Groening among its members, will hold their last public concert, after performing together for 20 years, at the El Rey Theatre on Friday, June 22, 2012 at 8:30pm. The show is part of the band’s final two-city The Past Our Bedtime Tour, which also includes an appearance not open to the public at the American Library Association Conference in Anaheim on the same weekend. The entire band is together for the first time since 2007. Roger McGuinn, best known as the lead singer and lead guitarist for The Byrds, will also join as a musical guest. Proceeds will benefit literary causes.
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Book, Celebrity, Charity, Entertainment, Events, Music / Sound, Press Releases, Rock Bottom Remainders American Library Association Conference, Amy Tan, Anaheim, Author, band, CA, California, celebrity, charity, concert, Dave Barry, El Rey Theatre, Emerging Author Series, Entertainment, event, First Book, Greg Iles, James McBride, Kathi Goldmark, LA, Live Talks Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Downtown Women's Center, Matt Groening, Mitch Albom, Music, Ridley Pearson, Rock Bottom Remainders, Roger McGuinn, Roy Blount, Sam Barry, Scott Turow, show, Stephen King, The Byrds, The Past Our Bedtime Tour, United States
The Artivist Collective presents its 8th annual Artivist Film Festival August 18, 19, 20, 2011 at the historic Egyptian Theatre in the heart of Hollywood, California. This year the closing night awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, August 20th from 6:00 to 10:00PM. Highlights include the Artivist Awards given to ten films and Artivist Award Honoree Kristen Bell, known for her film (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Burlesque, etc.) and television work (Heroes, Veronica Mars, etc.), as well as her philanthropy (Alzheimer’s Association, Invisible Children, PETA, SCPA, etc.). Actress Rachel Bilson will present the award to Bell. Also on hand will be Master of Ceremonies Dan Nainan and presenters Persia White and Marco Antonio Regil. The closing night ceremonies are complimentary to the press and public (as is the entire festival) but seats are limited and must be reserved in advance.
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Artivist Film Festival, Celebrity, Charity, Eco/Environmental/Sustainable, Entertainment, Events, Female - Founded/Run & Co-Founded Entities by Women, Film, Nonprofit org., Press Releases, Social Justice 2011, 8th Annual, advocacy, Artivist Film Festival, Artivist Spirit, Awards Ceremony, CA, California, Closing Night, documentary, Egyptian Theatre, Entertainment, environment, event, feature films, Festival, Film, Green Galactic, Hollywood, humanitarian, humanity, Kristen Bell, LA, Los Angeles, Lynn Tejada, Media, nonprofit, PR, press release, public relations, publicity, screening, The Artivist Collective
Award-winning film Bouncing Cats is the inspiring documentary of one man’s attempt to create a better life for the children of Uganda through the unlikely tools of hip hop and breakdance. Narrated by Common and featuring interviews with Will.I.Am, and K’Naan, the story follows the legendary Crazy Legs of the Rock Steady Crew and b-boy Abramz, the founder of Breakdance Project Uganda (BPU), on a journey to unify, empower and inspire youth in the war torn country that has been called one of the worst places on earth to be a child. Poverty, disease, and a brutal, mindless war in the region have divided families, displaced millions and led to the abduction and mutilation of tens of thousands of children resulting in the deterioration of identity and culture. Read the rest of this entry »
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Africa, Bio, Bouncing Cats, Charity, Dance, Entertainment, Events, Film, Healing Arts, International Cultures, Learning/Workshops/Seminars/Classes, Music / Sound, Red Bull Media House, Social Justice Abraham Tekya, Abramz, Africa, Aghamu Shadia, AIDS orphan, Alfred Otim, American Film Market, Amy Taylor, Andrew Le Guier, Arizona State University, Atlanta, audience favorite award, award winning, b-boy culture, backgrounder, beauty, BendFilm, best documentary feature award, BPU, breakdance, Breakdance Project Uganda, breakdancing, CA, California, CCI, Charles Spano, Charlie Rosene, children, Claire Lewis, Claude Merkel, Common, Conservation Cotton Initiative, Crazy Legs, dance on film, DocuFest, documentary, DocUtah, Eastern Uganda, Edun, Entertainment, Ervin Arana, feature films, Festival, Film, George Mays, Gulu, H.E.A.L.S., Hartford International Film Festival, Heartland Truly Moving Pictures, hip hop, Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival, Isaac Hagy, Jolly Grace Okot, K'Naan, Kampala, Karma Gardner, Kibuka Mukisa Oscar, LA, Los Angeles, Lynn Tejada, Manifesto Film Fest, Montreal International Black Film Festival, MoogFest, Music, Nabil Elderkin, National Geographic LIVE!, Newport Beach Film Festival, North America, Northern Uganda, Nyla Hassell, outstanding achievement in documentary, Oxfam, performance, positive social change, Red Bull Media House, Rice University, Richard Colon, Rock Steady Crew, Scott Bradfield, screening, self-esteem, social responsibility, teaching, The Voice Project, trailer, Uganda, Urbanworld, USC, video, Washington DC, will.i.am, Ynot
Congo in Harlem 2 is the second annual series of Congo-related films and events at the Maysles Cinema in Harlem. This year’s program runs from Friday, October 8 – Saturday, October 23, 2010 and showcases a wide range of films by Congolese and international directors, representing the most important issues facing the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) today. Most screenings will be followed by panel discussions, special events, musical performances, and receptions. Congo in Harlem 2 will provide audiences with more than the traditional movie-going experience – it will offer opportunities to celebrate Congolese culture, learn about the ongoing humanitarian crisis, engage in dialogue, and get involved. Read the rest of this entry »
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Africa, Charity, Events, Film, Nonprofit org., Other, Press Releases Africa, Congo, Congo in Harlem 2, Congolese, documentary, events, feature films, Festival, Film, Harlem, international, Maysles, Maysles Cinema, musical performances, New York, panel discussions, screenings, United States