Green Galactic PR
a Los Angeles area publicist taking culture producers to their next level
Devolver Digital Films is proud to announce the digital VOD release of the critically acclaimed comedy-drama, Soft in the Head, directed by Nathan Silver. The feature-length narrative film, set in New York City, follows the blithely unaware Natalia (played by Sheila Etxeberría), a drunken mess who seeks refuge with friends and in a makeshift homeless shelter, after being thrown out of an apartment by her boyfriend. The digital VOD (Video on Demand) release is scheduled for July 29, 2014 through Devolver. Soft in the Head will be available via iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, PlayStation, Xbox, VUDU, Vimeo on Demand, VHX, Google Play, and others. The film will also be released on cable VOD on September 2, 2014.
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Devolver Digital Films, Film, Press Releases Carl Kranz, Cody Stokes, Devolver, Devolver Digital, Devolver Digital Films, Diane Lanyi, Ed Ryan, feature films, Film, Harvey L. Silver, Kia Davis, Lynn Tejada, Lynn Truong, Melanie J. Scheiner, Mike Wilson, Nathan Silver, New York, New York City, PR, press release, public relations, publicity, Sheila Etxeberría, Soft in the Head, Theodore Bouloukos, vod, VOD release