Devolver Digital Films is proud to announce the digital VOD and cable releases of the touching comedy-drama, Diving Normal. The film will also have a limited theatrical release in Los Angeles as well as one night event screenings in Atlanta, Austin, Nashville, New York, Orange County (CA), San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, and other cities to be announced (please see schedule below). Directed by Kristjan Thor, the character-driven narrative feature film tells the story of a love triangle that occurs when two unlikely friends fall for the same beautiful, but broken, woman. In the film, an adaptation of the critically acclaimed play of the same name, the three main characters combat abandonment, addiction, and struggles with conforming to traditional relationships. Read the rest of this entry »
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Clients, Devolver Digital Films, Entertainment, Film, Genres, Other, Press Releases Ashlin Halfnight, austin, Beverly Hills Film Festival, comedy, Dallas International Film Festival, Devolver Digital Films, Diving Normal, Drama, Film, Green Galactic, Kristjan Thor, LA, Los Angeles, love, Lynn Tejada, Manhattan Film Festival, Mike Wilson, Movie, New York City, Philipp Karner, PR, Press, press release, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Ana, Scotty Crowe, Storytelling, Susie Abromeit, Theatrical Release, Washington DC